App Overview
The app is a React-based application that appears to be a service tracker for clients and cases. It uses various contexts to manage state and provide functionality throughout the app.
The app consists of several components, including:
Client: Represents a single client, displaying their name and an icon.
Clients: A container component that lists all clients and allows searching.
Case: Represents a single case, displaying its details.
Cases: A container component that lists all cases for a client.
Initial: The initial screen of the app, displaying a welcome message.
Progress: A component that displays the progress of a case.
Search: A component that allows searching for clients.
Spinner: A loading indicator component.
TopIcons: A component that displays top-level icons.
Wrapper: A container component that wraps other components.
The app uses several contexts to manage state and provide functionality:
ClientsContext: Manages the list of clients and provides functionality for searching and retrieving client data.
CasesContext: Manages the list of cases for a client and provides functionality for retrieving case data.
InViewContext: Manages the current view state and provides functionality for updating the view.
ProgressContext: Manages the progress of a case and provides functionality for updating the progress.
The app uses reducers to manage state changes:
AppReducer: A reducer that handles actions for the app’s state.
The app uses actions to trigger state changes:
GET_CASES: Retrieves cases for a client.
GET_STATUS: Retrieves the status of a case.
GET_USERS: Retrieves the list of clients.
IN_VIEW: Updates the current view state.
The app uses APIs to retrieve data:
axios: A library used for making HTTP requests.
The app uses several libraries:
react: The React library for building user interfaces.
react-dom: The React DOM library for rendering components.
react-icons: A library for using icons in React components.
react-tooltip: A library for displaying tooltips in React components.
react-transition-group: A library for managing transitions in React components.
dateformat: A library for formatting dates.
The app uses CSS styles to customize its appearance:
service-tracker-public.css: A stylesheet for customizing the app’s appearance.
The app is licensed under the MIT license.